How to prevent infection after dental implants

How To Prevent Infection After Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great way to restore your mouth’s health and improve your smile. However, they require extra commitment in terms of dental hygiene or you may be at risk of developing an infection. Proper dental care is essential if you want to keep your dental implants healthy and avoid any complications from an infection. In this blog, we will discuss best practices for avoiding infection after dental implants so that you can enjoy the benefits of dental implants for many years to come.


Maintaining good oral hygiene is the cornerstone of dental implant care. Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly is extremely important for it, just like regular teeth. You must also use mouthwash to reduce bacteria in your mouth, as well as a tongue scraper if possible. It is also important to get dental checkups twice a year and cleanings every 6 months in order to keep it free from any issues or infections and be sure to inform your dentist about any changes in your oral health if they occur between these regular visits.

Avoid Injury

It is important to take extra caution with it, as they are more prone to injury than normal teeth due to their sensitivity. Avoid using very hard toothbrushes or toothpaste, as this can cause damage to it. Using dental flossers might be a better option as they are gentler on it. It is also important to avoid crunchy and hard foods that could potentially damage the dental implant or surrounding teeth.

Signs of Infection

It is important to recognize the signs of infection early so that you can take action quickly and reduce the risk of serious complications. Some common symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, pus discharge, a bad taste in your mouth, and difficulty chewing or swallowing food. If left untreated, these issues can become very serious and require emergency dental care.


Q: How often should I visit my dentist after dental implant surgery?
A: It is recommended to visit your dentist twice a year for dental checkups and cleanings every 6 months afterward to keep dental implants healthy and free from issues or infections.

Q: What happens if I don’t take proper dental care after dental implant surgery?
A: If dental care is not taken properly after dental implant surgery, you may be at risk of developing an infection which can lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Q: Can I eat crunchy and hard foods with dental implants?
A: It is best to avoid eating crunchy and hard foods with dental implants as this could potentially cause damage to the dental implant or surrounding teeth. Soft food is recommended for dental implant patients.


Dental implants are a great way to restore your mouth’s health but proper dental care is essential for avoiding any complications from an infection. Remember to brush and floss twice daily, use mouthwash, get dental checkups regularly and avoid using hard toothbrushes or food that could damage dental implants. If you experience any signs of infection, it is important to seek dental care immediately in order to reduce the risk of serious complications.